After my mother’s death, I fell into a deep existential state of mind. Although I always had an existential disposition, this was immensely amplified after her death. The various existential notions that I was exploring before went into overdrive, and I had found myself in an existential tunnel, a chain of meta after meta, that led from one aspect of reality to the other. It turned into an obsession of understanding reality, a kind of extended shock caused by the death as I lost my faith in everything I believed in. It has been my emotional-rational way of trying to understand what happened, the reaction to loss, meaninglessness and pain. After this 3 year-long existential journey, I find myself where I started; not knowing. There may never be an answer to any of these questions, be it because it is impossible for a human being to know them, or because the questions are simply irrelevant or human made, but the journey was full of discovery and meaning. Alongside this expansion of my worldview, creativity and inspiration were heightened beyond any level they had before. In fact, creativity was the very first sort of expression that came after the death. I have written, drawn, made, thought and conceptualised like never before. Her absence has been filled with creativity and inspiration to last me a lifetime. It is like my brain has gone under a sudden massive growth in neural synapses, a surge of neuroplasticity. The conceptual connections I have made are huge considering it’s been just 3 years. I truly feel I have reached some form of individuation, or at least I might have a better understanding of what individuation might entail. Jung does say that individuation is usually brought about as a reaction to a major life crisis, a shock that can lead a personality to dig within the depths of its own reality. Whatever it is, here’s a recap of the intellectual and creative journey I’ve been through these last 3 years:
Preface: Worldviews, absurdism, truth, metaphor, chaos and order, complexity
1. The Flow: creation story (both as a story of the past and a story of the present, the scientific narrative)
2. Archetypes: the discrete units of metanarratives, archetypes run through the cortex of the flow: eg. quantum archetypes, atomic archetypes, mathematical, molecular, biological, cellular, instinctual, emotional, rational, cultural
3. Meta-, Metanarratives
4. Individuation (conscious recognition of archetypes, shedding of cultural artifacts, integration of metanarratives, conscious creation of a post-meta-narrative)
5. Post-language, the metahuman
Epilogue: Meaning, Creativity, meaning permeates reality, creativity creates meaning, meaning expands creativity, Pure Land
Continuum, Flow, Supervenience, Emergence, hierarchies, complexity, networks, systems, creativity, flux, implicate order, integrative levels, categories, layers, big history
Meta, Meta-narrative, meta-paradigms, post-metanarrative, Meta-ethics, post-culturalism, deculturalism, Post-structuralist, deconstruction, Post-postmodernism multi-narrative, amitabha buddha, meta-epistemology, Metaknowledge, Metatheory, meta-language, post-language, post-meta-human, Epistemological_anarchism, Epistemological_pluralism, Pluralism, Metahumanism, Metafiction , Metacognition, metamathematics
cultural archetypes, narrative archetypes, jungian archetypes, genetic archetypes, anima/animus, memetic archetypes, linguistic archetypes, social constructs, belief systems, metaphors, qualia, semiotics, biosemiotics, ontologies
individuation, self-remembering, thought patterns, robothood, unconsciousness, social/cultural conditioning/cleansing, cultural artefacts, belief system cleansing, self-deconstruction, projection, multi-narrative, personal meaning, self-integration, suffering/miserabilia/Dukkha, gnosiology, epistemology, knowledge. language, absurdism, Socially_constructed_reality, Essentialism, Perspectivism, Structuralism, Structuralism 2, Relativism, Two_truths_doctrine, Wisdom_in_Buddhism, meta-destiny, reflexivity, self-reflexivity, Ideation_(idea_generation), Rhizome_(philosophy), Syncretism, Chaos_magic, Thoughtform
post-language: hypertense, hyperperson, hypertime, post-meta-human, post-symbols, post-metaphors, hypersymbols, hypermetaphors, post-culturalism, trans-culturalism Grammatical category, Linguistic_determinism, Determinism, Linguistic_relativity, Historicism, Part_of_speech, Universal_grammar
Non-individuates follow external narratives and meta-narratives semi-consciously or subconsciously. The first step to achieving individuation is realising one’s own unconscious behaviour and conditioning from external narratives. The second step is a conscious cleansing of memetic behaviour, conditioning and unconscious belief systems. The third step is the conscious reconstruction of a metanarrative based on personal experiences, genetic conditioning and the very experience of the first two steps. After the 3rd step is complete, the individuate finally achieves individuation: an active never-ending process, the continuous refinement of the personal meta-narrative and the spreading, sharing of this meta-narrative to inspire further individuation.
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